Public Defenders

Public Defenders are salaried barristers independent of government who appear in serious criminal matters for clients who have been granted legal aid.

Minyma Malilu artwork

Request a Public Defender

Find out who Public Defenders can appear for and how to request our services.

Note: We do not provide general legal advice to the public. If you need legal help, refer to the Legal Aid/LawAccess NSW website - external site , or call 1300 888 529 - external site for assistance.

Resources from Public Defenders

Sentencing tables can be used as a guide, and can be searched for by offence.
Papers by Public Defenders on a variety of topics.
Find out about conferences held by The Public Defenders and access past conference papers.

​​​If you experience difficulty reading any of the documents on this website and you require an accessible version, please email - external site

Artwork by Clarise Tunkin, Minyma Malilu (detail), 2023.

The original artwork can be seen on display at the Public Defenders Chambers in Darlinghurst.